
Acquittal of Congolese Ex-Vice President

08.06.2018 11:10

  • Völkerrecht

The International Criminal Court overturned the war crimes conviction of Jean-Pierre Bemba, the former Vice President of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He had been convicted of murder, rape and pillage for actions by fighters he sent to the Central African Republic. The sentence was dismissed as the trial judges had not considered Bemba's efforts to stop the crimes committed by his Movement for the Liberation of Congo once he became aware of them. 

Nationalrat lehnt Selbstbestimmungsinitiative ab

12.06.2018 07:58

  • Völkerrecht

Nach rund neun Stunden Debatten empfahl das Parlament dem Stimmvolk, die Selbstbestimmungsinitiative der SVP abzulehnen. Die Initiative verlangt, dass die Bundesverfassung gegenüber dem Völkerrecht immer Vorrang hat - unter dem Vorbehalt der zwingenden Bestimmungen. 

Surveillance and Human Rights in Xinjiang

04.06.2018 10:51

  • Völkerrecht

Since 2017, Uighur people are being ranked according to their "trustworthiness". This is only one aspect of the human surveillance program going on in China's Xinjiang province. The Economist provides an insight into the scope of surveillance efforts and the way in which modern technology is used in this process. A great read, particularly while we continue to deal with the sheer endless flood of mails requesting our information because of the General Data Protection Regulation.